Tuesday, May 15, 2007

about me :]

10 things about me.

1. I take quotes/ideas from books alot. (i.e. emagawsh! hawt! LBR! ahb-viously! ah-mazing! and more. lol.)

2. I love watching music videos but I hate weird al yankovic.

3. I love my friends. all of them. especially the rams! <3

4. i play field hockey and its basically my passion, yeah and i hate sweating and running but i still love it, lol.

5. i shop till i drop... literally.

6. i HATE excuses. i don't care HOW long you sat in traffic. jeez, you could have taken another route!

7. school for me is pretty miserable especially math.

8. i'm a sucker for chick flicks and sappy lifetime movies.

9. i get hurt a lot and i'm a pretty big klutz!

10. ok thats it, lol.


Anonymous said...

YES i am leaving a comment but NO i do not want to. i guess your profile is cool anja. i mean if i wasnt a ram i would care but since i am and since i love you o so sincerly i am commenting. uhm so yeah your "about me" is pretty niffty i guess...

Anja said...

lol. sarahhhh i love you <333333 i need to call you about memorial day weekend. GETMONEY. lol.