Wednesday, June 6, 2007

i am so angry right now.

ok guys, are we EVER going to meet outside of school!?

this is ridiculous. first, rachel can't come. then, sarah. i mean, what are you guys DOING in your lives? no one called me about a tea party so theres NO WAY i'll be able to go. no one can call me tomorrow night at 10 pm and invite me over! it can't happen! i feel like NO ONE is taking this seriously AT ALL! i probably sound really stupid and rude but i'm just so angry! like, i seriously thought this was going to work out for once.

first, i want to know why people can't come. second, no juicy tomorrow night. since basically almost no one can come my mom wants to spend the night just me and her and like go out to dinner or whatever. maggs, i called your house and told your brother to tell you to call me. and, its really really hard to get people together over the summer, because one day someones on vacation and then another day someone else is on vacation and it gets all screwed up.

somebody, please comment and tell me that it wont be this way anymore? that when we plan something, we'll plan IN ADVANCE and people would actually stick to it? that plan sounds good to me.

i'm sorry if i sound stupid and bratty, but i needed to vent about this. if i hurt someones feelings, sorry.

you know you love me,

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