Sunday, May 3, 2009

the sky falls, you feel like it's a beautiful day.

today was amazing. 
so in the beginning, my confirmation didn't mean anything to me. 
but obviously today, it mattered. today meant something. 
and i am so, so happy you guys were there. 
it was amazing to like look out and see you guys. 
even though i struggled to see you as i cried hahaaa :p
i know that i'm going to like remember this for a really long time, and i will always remember that you guys were there supporting me, that meant so much to me it really did. 

this weekend has been so amazing. 
last weekend too! like last weekend i went to the beach with tar. this weekend, i get to go to an amazing concert, hang out with sage, and have an amazing confirmation with my bestfriends there!! what more could i want? 

and next weekend has to be great too. idk when i will have the girls night, i have to ask my parents, but whatever we do next weekend, i'm so excited to make more amazing memories like the ones this weekend :D

1 comment:

maggs said...

this graphic is so beautiful and meaningful anj :D
today was amazing and so beautiful, and i was so happy to share it with you!! :D
u dont even know how happy it made me. and this weekend was seriously the best and next weekend will be too, we will plan it all out and make sure the good memories keep coming :D