Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the stars lean down to kiss you as i lie awake and miss you..

When violet eyes get brighter,
And heavy wings grow lighter,
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.
And I'll forget the world that I knew,
But I swear I won't forget you,
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past,
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here.

the song 'vanilla twilight' by owl city, describes my life right now.
i seriously could put every single lyric in here.
i miss him. i miss the way things were :/ but i guess it has to be this way ?
but i really haven't been thinking about it, i've been trying to avoid that as much as i can.
i have too much else to think about and to focus on.

ironically, it's the exact same way summer started.
i was thinking about him.. and i knew he wasn't about me.
and it's the same way now.
and it's not fun. that's for sure. it's the loneliest feeling you know?
i feel like i'm wasting my time but there's no other way i'd want to waste it.
its like that saying, never regret something that once made you smile.
and i don't, really. i actually dont regret anything i've done this summerr and thats seriously amazing =]

soo yeah i just have to think about other things you know? i have so much going for me at this point (ha it doesnt feel like it at times though :p) so i havee to focus on other stuff.
it's not worth obsessing about something that isn't going to happen at least not anytime soonn.

thatss my life at the momentt. haha.
my little rants :p
i can't dwell on the pastt. i'm moving forwards. =]

1 comment:

maggs said...

i like that graphic, it can be so true about boys, i love when you find that perfect graphic that just describes how your feeling so much more than words can :)
and that song sounds good too, defenitely downloading.
but i know what you mean about nick too anj, that always happens to me with hookups too. and the first one, you get that feeling the strongest, but I'm really glad you dont regret it, and take your on advice, dont dwell on it, just see it as fun & an experiance and move forward