Saturday, October 20, 2007

long time, no write?


ehh maa gaw sshh . its been so long since i wrote in this blog!! so much has changed since i last did. sarahs in public school now and we all miss her soo muchh :[[ we hung today and had some ahhmazing chinese food lol. havent talked to maggie lately. life's definetely changed, but for the better?

we'll see.

xoxo, you know you love me,

Saturday, July 28, 2007

hola from Maine

well i'm in maine now and having fun, i guess. the shopping here is horrible and i'm suffering serious mall withdrawal. well anyway i mean the weather is really nice but i was thinking the other day and the summer is almost 2/3 over! what happened? sooo crazayy.

you know you love me,

p.s. sarah you are not switching schools! you can't ! stay at dc with your friends!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cheer Camp

Cheer Camp was amazingly, amazingly fun. Oh my goodness, so fun. lol. boom boom i want you in my room. lol. so much fun with you maggie and rachel too lol. sarah we missed you :[

you know you love me,

Saturday, June 30, 2007


i'm bored. lol. but i just finished reading an ahmazing book! so i'm happy about that.

well, thats all. lol.

you know you love me,

Monday, June 25, 2007

back from HERSHEYY

Ok so i'm backk from hersheypark! it was ahmazing. i was there for a german convention and lemme tell you, german guys are CUTE. VERY VERY VERY CUTE. it was ridiculously fun. also my spa treatments were wonderful :]]]

who the heck is rodrigo? he commented on my last post, lol. whatevs.


you know you love me,

Monday, June 18, 2007

went swimming today

yeah so, i went to my neighborhood friend Catherine's pretty sweet pool today and swam around. lol. i have such weird tan lines! it's scary!!! lol. well anyhoo, i wore my new swimsuit, a ralph lauren tankini that is a teensy bit too big on top so i have to like, hold it in place, lol. well i'm going to hershey park on thursday- so excited for my hershey spa mani/pedi and personal makeup lesson, lol.

you know you love me,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Westchester trip

Ok, so what everyone (except rachel who doesnt have a blog lol) needs to do, is post on their blog the EXACT DATES in which they will be away this summer. Vacations, etc. Then we can compare and figure out a date(s) when we will all be around for our little adventure! lol.

also, everyone go to the library or borders or whatever and get The Clique, the first book. especially sarah who hasn't read it yet! lol.

this is gonna be ah-mazing!

you know you love me,

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Which One??

Here are the ones I like (mostly all of them, lol) :
Martini Charm
Music Note Charm
'Status Bag' Charm
Jewelry Box Charm
Hairdryer Charm
Yorkie In Shopping Bag Charm
Engagement Ring Charm
Dog Carrier Charm
Cherries Charm

Pick your top two!

you know you love me,

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Bathing Suits
The Glamorous USA

Snow Suits

lol, kind of random i know. well how was everyones first day of SUMMA? I spent literally 7 hours at the most boring graduation party ev-ah.

well gtg! xoxo.
you know you love me,

Thursday, June 7, 2007


um, rereading my post, and i sound bratty and i'm sorry. i was in a really bad mood and things werent going good for me. i hope you understand.

xoxo anja

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

i am so angry right now.

ok guys, are we EVER going to meet outside of school!?

this is ridiculous. first, rachel can't come. then, sarah. i mean, what are you guys DOING in your lives? no one called me about a tea party so theres NO WAY i'll be able to go. no one can call me tomorrow night at 10 pm and invite me over! it can't happen! i feel like NO ONE is taking this seriously AT ALL! i probably sound really stupid and rude but i'm just so angry! like, i seriously thought this was going to work out for once.

first, i want to know why people can't come. second, no juicy tomorrow night. since basically almost no one can come my mom wants to spend the night just me and her and like go out to dinner or whatever. maggs, i called your house and told your brother to tell you to call me. and, its really really hard to get people together over the summer, because one day someones on vacation and then another day someone else is on vacation and it gets all screwed up.

somebody, please comment and tell me that it wont be this way anymore? that when we plan something, we'll plan IN ADVANCE and people would actually stick to it? that plan sounds good to me.

i'm sorry if i sound stupid and bratty, but i needed to vent about this. if i hurt someones feelings, sorry.

you know you love me,

um like so excited!

ok, how fun is our little Juicy adventure gonna be?

i looked online and they have like, wallets and coin purses for like $30-$40! ahmazing. lol. plus since its grand opening or whatev, there might be good deals! i hope so! did i ever tell ya'll how much i love shopping in designer stores because the workers (usually really pretty girls, lol) compliment you 24/7 trying to get you to buy something. like when i was in the NYC juicy, they were all like your so thin, your so pretty, try this on it'll look amazing! lol. it gives your day a boost! lol.

wellll thats enough for now!

xoxo you know you love me,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Ugh. Well my mom apparently called to RSVP to Tara's pool party so I have to go. But... my mom said that afterwards you guys could come to my house or meet me somewhere and we could talk about the books or whatev, and then she'll drive us to the mall. I'll be carpooling with alex morra home so you can't come home with me but you could come to my house. is that ok? i know its not as good as the original plan or whatever but its fine i guess.

sarah- hows the celebutantes? ah-mazing, right!? lol.

you know you love me,

Sunday, June 3, 2007




Ok all done lol. i got a really cute shirt from Armani and there was a guy there who spent 770 bucks! anyway i also got a headband from delias and sunglasses from Forever 21.

xoxo anja

Friday, June 1, 2007

Heyy all!

Just watched Days with my dad. SO yeah we're gonna see POTC3 tomorrow! I hope its good, I've heard that its like amazing, lol. I had my piano recital tonight, and yeah i was goooood lol I hardly ever ever practice but whatever.


you know you love me,

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just Hanging.

Yeah well just hanging around I guess. I'm excited about our swim party! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bathing suit but hopefully I don't get like in trouble for it or whatever. Here's some more In/Outs:

In: Tans
Swim Parties
Playing it safe

Out: Pale
Christmas Parties
Entering Beresheeth Poetry Contests

you know you love me,


In- The Westchester Mall
Dissecting worms

Out- The Springfield Mall
Knockoffs (except at rices lol)
Dissecting rats!

Well thats all I have time for, I gotta do my hair, lol. oh yeah i also found another book that looks good- In Pursuit of the Ideal. My mom recommended it so at least we'd be able to read it! lol. its about like wordly standards of beauty and how like, we get sucked into it, so yeah.

byeee for noww~
you know you love me,

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Reading and Adventuring, HERE WE COME.

Ahhh, our book/adventure club is gonna be SO FUNN.

Lol, rachel needs to be informed! wth was she today? prob. wanted to miss the rat! i don't blame her! Well if rachel cant read she can make the margaritas :]]]

Books so far:
The Clique
A Walk to Remember
That Summer
Pretty Little Liars
I was a Teenage Popsicle
Just Listen
The Truth about Forever
Lily B on the Brink of Cool (lol its good i swear!)
I Was a Non-Blonde Cheerleader

Get ready to READ (or mix cocktails!)

well my fingers are getting tired, shows how strong they are lol. so i gtg study for a MATH TEST! argh. ok well byeeee!

you know you love me,

Saturday, May 26, 2007


yay! lol.

so yeah i am totally craving clothes. i was at target this morning buying a shower curtain and i was like drooling over their clothes which i usually don't like because i'm like, the most fashionable thing in the store. lol. THIS SHOPPING DIET SUCKS! WTH!

anyway, ttyl!

you know you love me :]]]],

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Music in the parkss

Music in the Parks was SO FUN! Omg maggie you should have come, it was so fun! haha on the bus ride home me and my girl sarah were stuffing each other under the seat and someone was like "are you making out with sarah baxter?" lol it was so funny.

well today i'm going to a horse race (random i know lol) and i think it'll be really fun, its like, well, a horse race. lol. but yeah you get all dressed up and such.

byebye! xoxoanja

Thursday, May 17, 2007

getting ready for school.

yeahh so i'm getting ready for school. ugh. i cant wait till this is over.

anja <33

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

about me :]

10 things about me.

1. I take quotes/ideas from books alot. (i.e. emagawsh! hawt! LBR! ahb-viously! ah-mazing! and more. lol.)

2. I love watching music videos but I hate weird al yankovic.

3. I love my friends. all of them. especially the rams! <3

4. i play field hockey and its basically my passion, yeah and i hate sweating and running but i still love it, lol.

5. i shop till i drop... literally.

6. i HATE excuses. i don't care HOW long you sat in traffic. jeez, you could have taken another route!

7. school for me is pretty miserable especially math.

8. i'm a sucker for chick flicks and sappy lifetime movies.

9. i get hurt a lot and i'm a pretty big klutz!

10. ok thats it, lol.

Monday, May 14, 2007


I'm soooooooooo bored.....

Finished my SEG Food Web and everything I had to do and now I'm sooo bored! Rams we NEED to plan a sleepover at rachels house lol we're inviting ourselves over to your house, rachel! lol but you already know. so yeah. SARAH PLEASE COMMENT. I MISS YOU. lol.

<333333333 anja


I'm soooooooooo bored.....

Finished my SEG Food Web and everything I had to do and now I'm sooo bored! Rams we NEED to plan a sleepover at rachels house lol we're inviting ourselves over to your house, rachel! lol but you already know. so yeah. SARAH PLEASE COMMENT. I MISS YOU. lol.

<333333333 anja

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Not feeling well :[

Ugh, I woke up with the worst stuffy nose, I like can't breathe lol. well its not really funny lol. also have like a hacking cough that resembles a dying elephant call, but i have to go to school tomorrow because of a stupid math test! UGH I can't wait till summer!

xoxo anja

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Ok so today I went shopping! I got a cute top from Delias with dinosaurs on it lol, two pairs of panties lol, really cute aerie sleep shorts OH and my super-duper cousin gave me three bags of clothes including an 8-letter word for 'great' (ah-mazing) pair of Miss Sixty jeans.

yay! lol well i gtg.

love to all especially my rams, anja

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just got back from Cheerleading

Heyyyyy Rams! Lol. Well this is my blog! This was a good idea, lol. Yeah well just got back from cheerleading- rachel&maggs you guys did great and sarah we missed you! :[ well anyway. i'm tired so ttyl!

millions of hugs&kisses, anja