Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ad astra per aspera.

so the past couple weeks have definitely been growing weeks. 
that title is shakespeare- translation is, 'to the stars through trials'. and its so true. like a lot has happened and maggie you know that a lot of people have tried to make us fall. they want us to. but you know what? we won. we've done it. we're on our feet and we're staying that way. we've gotten so much stronger, ourselves, and with each other, through all of this!! 

i love that first graphic because i am happy. i love my friends right now their amazing. in the past few weeks i've had so many amazing times with them. i feel like for a long time, i've been on that road. the road to happiness. and from november to the first week in january, i either took a different path or just got totally run over because i was not on that road anymore. i was totally apart from it. but now i'm back on track and moving forward, and i'm so happy about it.

that quote is good too. because i don't really fear death. my biggest fear is looking over my life and hating it. hating everything i've done. basically regretting everything. i've been on my no-regrets journey for a whilee now but it takes time and i think i'm making progress! so live the life that you want to remember as amazing, when you are done living. <3 

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