Tuesday, February 3, 2009

cause these words are my diary screaming out loud.

so heres some more secrets. only two for now. 

1. today in history, when mr. mountz asked us what our definition of beauty was? one day, i hope someone's definition of beauty is me. 

2. i have a lot of heroes. and maggie, you're one of them. you handle situations with a gracefulness that i could only dream of. and even though you might be going crazy and scrambling on the inside, you keep your composure a lot better than you might think. i really appreciate you, for no other reason but for blogging with me, for helping me, for listening. it's so hard these days to find someone who listens. everyone has their own thing going on, they can't make time. you always seem to make time. i don't know how i got through the beginning of the year, not being as close with you as i am now. if i was that way now i would miss you so terribly. you are the kind of friend that almost automatically makes me feel better about myself, in every way. i can laugh and cry around you, i can look gross. but honestly? hanging out with you friday night, in my pajamas, just laughing, was the best. making chocolate milk and editing photos. i've always wanted a friend like that. and now i have one. i always have but now i really do. and i'm so grateful to you for throwing me into your friend group and helping me out with that because the past couple weeks have been amazing. i feel so much better than i have in a really long time. mid january i was coming off of probably the worst two months of my life, like you i felt like i had been replaced in a lot of situations, or that i was never there in the first place. you picked me up when i was down. no one else could've done that but you. and i'm so glad you did. i love you so much and i don't know what i would do without you. i just want you to know that i'll always be here for you to pick you up like you did for me. <3


maggs said...

dear anja.

1. I wished that too. and anja you are beautiful in so many ways. don't ever forget that.

2.Thank you so much, you don't know how much that meant to me, or maybe you do because we feel the same so much :]... I wanted to thank you for you friendship anj, you have helped me through so much, just look through our blogs and you can see that. I honestly honestly where or who I would be without you and that is the honest truth. Like I said before I went into a depression and you really helped pulled me out, i can't expresss my graditude for that, but im defenitely gonna try! :D You are such a good friend, and I feel like we relate in so many ways, i always have so much fun with youu ! and you know i am always here for you, i always have time, & I truly LOVE helping you. Thanks for making me feel included too anj, everyone needs one great friend, and I can honestly say you have been and will continue being a great friend to me! I Love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I have removed it a question

Anonymous said...

Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is actual, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.