Monday, March 9, 2009

i'm not angry i'm just saying sometimes goodbye is a second chance.

it didn't occur to her, when she leaped,
she was just as likely to fall. 

i can't do this anymore.
liking boys. it just messes me up. what what messes me up even worse, is not being sure.
i don't know for sure how i feel about him. but i know for sure, that he doesn't feel the same, and that he won't. like we hardly even know each other i feel like. i feel like i get closer to him at these gettogethers or whatever, but he doesn't to me. i dont know.
and that quote, just makes me think and like backs up the fact that i can't. i can't leap on this because seriously it's not worth it and it's not going to end well, and i can't be so naive. 

and i sound really depressed, haha. i'm really not. 
i guess for once, i kind of hoped something was going to work out. sue me for hoping.
it's just this big waiting game. something comes... and goes. quickly, or they take longer, but they all do.

it's so hard. i just don't know how to feel and my mind is telling me one thing and my heart is telling me something, but softly, like i have no clue for sure what it's saying. 

help :[

1 comment:

maggs said...

i agree.
and i really like the title.
and the quote, i feel this way too.
but hey we have eachother which is WAY WAY better than boys. and now the time we spent on boys we can spend on wayyy better things :p or u know we can go with my stradegy which is to look DROP DEAD GORGEOUS amazingness next time we all hang out and then bam ignore him!