Sunday, April 26, 2009

and now all my heart i will lay down precisely at your feet.

so this weekend was 
amazing :]
except for the failure party friday night, at which i :
-failed, miserably, over and over.
-left my backpack so i could do no homework.
-left your straightener.
-felt awkward.
-was annoyed by almost everyone. 
-couldn't wait to leave, at times.

but there were some bright parts :P 
-heart to heart with chris? actually was kinda cool.
-watching ty and anna. so cute. haha
-knowing there was a sleepoverrr after :D

sleepover was greatt. being with you is greatt.
work was decent. boring. workish. 
and the beach was just amazing. 
i love being with tar. and her beach house is stunning, and the weather was amazing, and we tanned (and burned :p) and like got closer than we were before, which was pretty close, so it was cool. all in all, that was soo fun. 
and now. school tomorrow :[ 
actually it wont be that bad. dont worry about it my love, we'll be there for each other and it'll be okay, and next weekend is gunna be amazing, GAGA (!!) on friday and my friend sagee saturday and confirmation sunday which should be a fun party and im really glad your going to be there. thats like really important to me. 

so basically
and we're gunna get through this week. 

1 comment:

maggs said...

hahaa party = fail
except you know for the beginning
:p :]
but yeah its okat, some of it was defenitely fun and good :D
and im really glad we hungout and you were with tar and u guys talked and all =]
and yes this week wasnt too bad and thank the lord its almost over!! :D
you helped me thru anj and hopefully i helped u too.
im so freaking excited for de weeekned :DD