Wednesday, March 18, 2009

remember those walls i built? well baby their tumbling down.

so uhm 
just had to put that out there, haha.
it makes me smile, and think of happier days, and spring. and spring is comingg.

so basically a constant in my life, is feeling too in control. i don't take any risks or have any excitement in my life.
i've been trying to live more on the edge so to speak, just trying to make the most out of what i have and the days that i live. no regrets.

and i love that quote, because, i let people get in my way so much. 
i worry about what other people think, what i should do to please other people, etc. 
instead of doing what i love and what i want and what makes me happy. 
and lately i have been- being with the group truly makes me happy. 

i'm just trying to seize the day so to speak and live and be freer, and be me. the real me.
the year's almost over, and i still feel like some people don't know me, that i could be better friends with some people, that i should fix things with others. i gotta do that.

the sun is shining and its my timee.
so i'm gunna live it up :D
starting.. friday! i am so psyched for the party and i can't wait to mingle and be fun and have a great time with all of my friends. it's going to be amazing. <3

1 comment:

maggs said...

yay :D
i love this. so free and empowering
quote is great and the title is amazing :D
friday is gonna be so fun, and be the social butterfly, take risks and put urself out there anj!
"its a perfect day, and nothings standing in my way"