Monday, March 23, 2009

tell me tell me something i don't know.

i stole your survey :P
you must answer!!
and i changed some of them. just to be original :P
love youu.

1. Who's the weirdest person you've ever liked? (even it was only for a day or something like tht)

2. What's your least favorite color?

3. What frustrates/annoys you the most about me?

4. What song, do you feel like, describes your life.

5. If you could tell the person you liked what you truly felt about them...what would you say?

6. If you could have any boy in the grade who would it be? why?

7. If you had to be any girl in our grade (besides youself) who would you be? why?

8. What is your favorite thing in the world to do?

9. Name one thing that you truly love about yourself.

10. What do you think is your best color, the one that you look best in?

11. What do you truly hate? 

12. Would you describe yourself as honest?

13. Whats a guilty pleasure of yours?

14. Whats the first thing you look at when you meet a new person?

15. What was your first impression of me?

16. Do you think my parents like you?

17. If you could have one thing that I do, what would it be. clothes, personality traits, and looks count. haha

18. What food, if any, do you crave like crazy right now?

19. what do you think my next step in life should be? 

20. Whats the thing that you believe strongest in?

1 comment:

maggs said...

muahha :p

1. I'm not gonna lie, i've liked my fair share of weirdos over the years..mostly it was just for a day or so, but these include tyler ogg (1st grade :pp), will james (ewww :p), jon macaleer, and the infamous matt glasscott haha tht was for a legit day.

2. orange of course. the most hated color with a deep deep passion, except for my obnoxious orange pen which is fun :p

3. Well...sometimes when i say mean things (being my sarcastic self :p) but im completely kidding! You take them seriously, and it frustrates me bc i'm completely dont feel that way about u at all! i promise :D

4. Reasons why - Saving Jane

5. I would start with a very clever "U wish", then move in for the kill and say "haha u were kidding right, bc really me liking you...? LOL" im a jerk but it needs to be done...:p no like really the moment he signs on tonight thts how its going down

6. hmmm. well i wish i was infatuated with matt bc he twould be quite perfect but i dont feel anything for him... :p. So maybe matt kyne just for the sole reason that everyone would be jealous and it would be quite funny :p

7. hmmmm. probally you because your so much like me, id pretty much be the same person :p

8. *steals answer* being with people i love :D

9.i like my shoulders? haha and my eyes :D

10. i love navy,colbalt blue i'm in love with, and a pretty evergreen.

11. hyprocrites, two faced people, and judgemental people! oh yeah and rejection :p

12. for the most part, but i think i lie a lot in order not to hurt people... I'm defenitely striving to be more honest tho but in a nice way.

13. gonna agree with u on this one, trashy novels all the way! :p and wawa milkshakes of course :p

14. Eyes, hair, how they act :p wow thts more than one ! :p

15. i was like YAY a new girl :) and shes cutee, ill be friends with her . haha :p

16. nope. dont know why tho...

17. hmm i would steal your amazing understanding and your ability to be friends with a lot of people and ur fieldhockey skills considering i hate tht sport with a passion :p

18. ahh actually nothing bc i just had dinner :p

19. In what area of life? I would say (in the guy area) to be a social butterfly and become good friends with a lot of them :D

20. "oh your the only one I ever believed in, the answer that could never be found."
nah for real tho, i'm a strong believer in God, that he will always be there, i'm a strong believer in being strong, that you need to get through things and you need to be smart about it. I'm a strong believer in growing, that you need to assess every situation, handle it the best you can, and learn from it along the way. One of they best things you can do in life, is learn from yourself.
