Wednesday, December 31, 2008

goodbye two thousand and eight.

so much has happened in the past year!
good and bad.
good? getting closer to my best friends. and also getting closer to some people that i was friends with but not as much. having sarah back at dc. having my teachers be mostly good, haha. no major family issues.
bad? guys. hahahha. and just situations sometimes. i cant even think of many but i know for sure they happened. that is why i have my blog, after all.

it sucks to only have one day to truly look back on the year and evaluate it. how can you?
how can you push 364 days into 1?
right now im sitting on a chair in my hotel lobby, listening to the jamaican new year band doing a sound check and setting up everything for the huge festivities tonight.
and im happy to be here. i really am. i miss everyone but i know that i'll see them soon.
and i really want 2009 to be a great, great year.

so heres to the end of 2008, however it was for everyone. and heres to 2009. new starts. new beginnings.

love. anja

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