Tuesday, December 23, 2008

there's a story in her eyes, lullabies and goodbyes.

i thought that graphic was pretty. 
kind of sparkly. makes me think of christmas WHICH IS IN TWO DAYS :D
and then new years. i'll be in jamaica for it but im sure there's going to be some kind of celebration at my resort.
its new years resolution time again! haha joking. i've never made resolutions. 
i've kind of figured that if i don't make them i can't fail at them. 
basically my one resolution for next year, 2009, is to be happy. 
i want to be happy no matter what happens. i dont know if its going to work out with this guy (i hope it does.) and i dont know what kind of friend drama i'll go through. 
well i guess my resolution isn't necessarily to be happy, but to have the situations end happily? 
i can't really control that. but i really hope it happens. 

love. anja 

1 comment:

maggs said...

ahhh christmas!!! im so excited :D
and i love new years resolutions, yeah you don't always stick to them but theyre great to make. That's a good one, be happy and im sure u will, don't worry!