Wednesday, January 28, 2009

and she will be loved.

so im doing another self confidence post :]
i know for me, in like the past week its been hard to feel good about myself.
the lies the pain the accusations, you start to believe them yourself. 
you start to become what they say you are, what they want you to be.
and it's especially hard when this happens and you don't even know yourself yet!
like come onnn. im 14. i don't really know who i am, i'm finding myself, as is everyone in my grade. no one has it all figured out and people have been acting like they do, and it's annoying.

but you and me maggie, we have to love ourselves. it doesn't mean we need to figure out our lives completely, but we have to love who we REALLY are because we know that, and they don't. the people who try to cut us down all they want is to see us fall, it gives them sick satisfaction. 
so here it is maggie :] you're beautiful, you're smart, you've got the whole world in front of you and you can make it happen. God loves you,
 your family loves you and i love you!! 
i think this is a good reminder not just for you and me but for everyone who's going through something that seems like really hopeless, and for anyone who feel no hope left for themselves.
just keep going, keep trying and keep loving- others, but especially yourself. 

1 comment:

maggs said...

and just what i needed. that is soo true,you really do have to love yourself before someone can truly love you, its like in the lifehouse song, whatever it takes,
"You gotta love yourself, before you could ever love me."
and i love the part about just forgetting about what people are saying because its so true, were all freshmen, no one has it all figured out and we're all doing the best we can. I think the best thing we can do is to return the hate with kindness and stay true to ourselves :D