Saturday, January 31, 2009

you spin my head right round right round.

so fun weekend so farr! last night was awesomee at your house mag and great sleepover too :]] scary miner children!! ahaha. so i just am in a survey mood so here goess! and i hope your having fun in marylandd! 

Are you available? in what way? 

Are there any stressful situations in your life? 
yes of course! 

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? 
closed. haha. 

Is there someone you don't ever want to be out of your life? 
of course. 

Where did you get your last bruise from? 
probably falling. 

What are you currently hearing right now? 
right round by flo ridaaa :]] 

Is there a reason for your MySpace song? 
well i have facebook songs, and yeah sure. 

Anyone crushing on you? 
no clue haha prob. not 

Has anyone ever given you roses? 
negativee. haha

What are you looking forward to? 
the next time i can see my friends. 

Do you worry your last ex will move on & be happier with another person? 
dont really have an ex. 

Are you really happy or are you just saying that? 
actually, i am happy. not really, but just happy. 

When did you last hold hands with someone? 
last night. 

If you were kicked out of your current residence, whom would you call? 
probably sar or maggie. actually probably any one of my good friends 

Do you think relationships are hard? 
they can be. definitely. 

What was the last reason that you CRIED?
i felt alone. 

Are you a loud person? 
bahaha usually! 

When was the last time you slept on the floor? 
last weekend. 

Will you have a valentine this year? 
maybe? probably not. 

Did your parents do drugs when they were younger? 
noo clue.. i dont think so though. 

Are there framed pictures from your parents wedding in your house? 

Who inspires you the most? 
so many people. like so many. 

Do you hate the last person you kissed? 

 Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? 
actually i dont think so.. haha 

Something you really want right now? 
apple pie :D 

Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't? 
ohhh yes. 

Have you ever been called a B?
yeah i think.. 

Do you feel like you are a B? 

 When someone says "we need to talk", what runs through your mind? 
im in trouble or something serious is going on. 

Is there someone you want back in your life right this moment? 
of course. isnt there always someone? 

Do you need to say anything to someone? 
hmm. idk. 

Do you like to make the first move? 

Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you? 
actually, for the first time in a long time, yeah. 

Do you know the words to the song/songs on your MySpace profile? 
yeah i know all the lyrics to almost every song on my ipod. haha 

Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex? 
of course! haha 

Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
probably lindsay. i actually dont know tho i usually cry by myself. 

What was the best thing that happened to you this year? 
getting closer to amazing friends. 

If you could go back 8 months and change something would you? 
i would've had hope. and pushed through. i was so weak. 

How do you feel about your relationship status? 
fine i guess haha 

Any summer plans for 2009? 
yeah i cant wait :]] 

Who was the last person you rode in a car with? 
my mom. 

In whose arms do you feel safest in? 
any one of my friends really. 

01.  I just woke up within the last half an hour.
02.  Despite the time, I am still pretty tired.
03.  I did not shower yet today.
04.  I prefer to shower in the evenings and not the mornings.
05.  I feel like I could go back to bed right now.
06.  Last night I read a book before I fell asleep.
07.  I plan on going out to dinner today.
08.  I would rather eat at a casual place than somewhere fancy.
09.  I do not like long car rides.
10.  I like going places on school buses.
11.  I've had a cup of coffee today.
12.  There is a really good coffee shop nearby.
13.  I try to wish on 11:11 as much as possible.
14.  I used to have a crush on one of my friends.
15.  When I was younger, I had way more girl friends than guy friends.
16.  I had a great childhood.
17.  I plan on staying home all day today.
18.  I love Chinese food.
19.  My birthday is coming up in the next 6 months.
20.  I have an "important" age coming up on my next birthday. [13, 16, 18, 21]
21.  I would rather deal with toddlers than middle schoolers.
22.  I have found one of my teacher's to be really hot.
23.  I like to cheat as much as I can in school.
24.  I don't really do my homework.
25.  I am not into school at all this year.
26.  My parents always compare me to my sibling.
27.  I hate being compared to anyone.
28.  I have checked my MySpace or Facebook today.
29.  I really like getting new friend requests.
30.  I add people I don't know on MySpace/Facebook.
31.  My parents don't know what I do online.
32.  I do something that they wouldn't like very much.
33.  I have a Dell computer.
34.  I prefer desktop computers to laptops.
35.  I have both a desktop and a laptop.
36.  I love taking online quizzes just because they are fun.
37.  I plan on taking a vacation this summer.
38.  I plan on leaving my home state this summer.
39.  I wish I could move out of my house asap.
40.  My parents give me basically no privacy.
41.  I hate when people crowd me.
42.  Speaking of crowds, I hate being in elevators.
43.  I have been stuck in an elevator before.
44.  I have been stuck in an airport before.
45.  I like plane food.
46.  I don't like to drive over bridges, I always get extremely paranoid.
47.  After the talk of planes, cars, bridges I really want to travel.
48.  I feel like I did something today that was so challenging that my brain fried.
49.  I dread seeing a certain person or people today.
50.  After I take this, I'm going to take more.

so there you goo!! i love surveys! haha. 

lovee you. an 

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