Friday, January 16, 2009

the journey screams out and its no pose, cause when she dances she goes and goes.

 and at that moment, i swear we were infinite.
- perks of being a wallflower 

today was a prettyy good day. 
its finally the weekend! yes! time to relax and sleep. yes. sleep. haha i havent gotten much lately.
i adore that quote above. i have to read that book! maggie what do you think of a great and terrible beauty so far? 
so this weekend should be good. no school monday and partayy at shans on sunday!
i really hope thats fun. i still have to figure out what i'm wearing, haha. 
and shan and i made a pact or whatever that we would hug the guy we like at least once during the night. yay! haha i just dont know how to be like not awkward about it? suggestions? haha
so i guess this is also a little self confidence post :] 
like i said in world history today, the girls i call my best friends are way too gorgeous to be so. 
inside and out! amazing personalities and looks to boot :P
they can always make me smile and laugh when im not doing great. and they can always tell when i just need a shoulder to cry on or a person to complain to which is often. haha. 
and if your having a bad day or just one of those moments (we all do!) remember that: 

1 comment:

maggs said...

and i totally wanna read tht book too! i heard it was good :) Gosh anja you need to come over. We should go to borders get coffes and read it together! Oh & A Great and Terrible beauty was soo good, omg i can't wait to read the second one ! :) Well the party was mucho fun as we both know, and sorry for not commenting on this earlier =[ lovee u ! and thank you so much what you said about all us anja? its true about you true ! I love all you guys :)